Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You know what's the rage this year?

... gumboots. Girls all over the Virginia Tech campus wear gumboots, in lots of pretty patterns and colours. Today, I discovered why. It can get very wet on campus. I had a meeting with the mathematicians at 11am, and I forgot to bring my umbrella. I came out of my meeting, grabbed lunch, and just as I finished lunch it began to rain. A lot. Although my green coat can resist light showers, it is powerless against heavy rain and I was thoroughly soaked by the time I made it back to the lab.

Other than getting rained upon, I have little to report from today. I am still having difficulty with the interfacial tension measurements, but someone experienced is going to help us tomorrow. I also have not managed to locate the vegemite.

In yesterday's news, I have decided to arrive one day earlier in DC. This is because if I leave on a Friday, I can catch the home ride bus from the VT campus (the stop is 10 minutes walk from my accommodation) all the way to northern Virginia. Then it is a 30 minute Metro ride that will take me to a station one and a half blocks from my hotel. This is much better than having to get dropped into Roanoke before taking a Greyhound bus. Ahhh... the convenience.

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