Thursday, January 15, 2009

From Chicago O'Hare Airport: Tales of an epic journey.

Now that I am safely back at Chicago O'Hare airport, waiting for my flight to Roanoke, I feel like I finally have the energy (plus the half hour before I have to board) to tell the tale of my journey to the opposite side of the world.

Chapter 1: Melbourne to LA
I caught the shuttle to Melbourne airport ok, and checked in and so on and so forth. I promptly proceeded to the gate, where I could see the airbus waiting. However, as it turns out, being able to SEE the airbus doesn't actually mean it is anywhere close to ready. It took them extra time to clean and so on, so by the time the plane took off we were already half an hour late.

Boarding, once it finally occurred went well. I was right at the front of the economy section, with a row to myself. This was good because I had extra leg room, and the fold out screens have a better range of viewing angles. The only unfortunate part was that the plane was not heavily populated, but my location meant that I couldn't fold up the armrests and stretch out.

The new airbus is magnificent. The entertainment system is of the on-demand variety, with a large selection of movies, tv shows, music and audio books. The music has a large selection of albums (including Dark Side of the Moon and Brothers in Arms, so I was happy) and you can create your own playlist. I also appreciated the audio book option, as I listened to Bill Bryson's "Down Under" to help me sleep. On the plane I watched Vicki Christina Barcelona (good), Mamma Mia (terrible) and Little Miss Sunshine (absolutely delightful).

[to be continued... now boarding]

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