Thursday, January 15, 2009

Chicago: 4:24 AM

So, I woke up at 4am. Ideally I would have slept a little longer, but I got about four and a half hours so I am happy with that (well worth the 49 USD, even if I don't end up getting reimbursed by UWA).

It's very cold outside, even for Chicago. It's snowing like crazy, and it's colder than it has been since 1999. They've had 9 straight days with measurable snow, and with wind chills it's about 24 degrees Fahrenheit below zero (that's -31 degrees C). Even without the wind chill factor it's -7 Fahrenheit (-21.7 degrees C). I know all this because I have the news on in the background, and they're talking about how cold it is on the news. Some of the local schools are even closed...

Right now, I don't want to describe the epic journey, as I want to make sure I get to the airport ok. But I did purchase 24 hours internet access yesterday evening, so maybe I can write my tales of planes from the airport (while I sip a well earned cup of tea). Time to check out and get the shuttle to the airport now.

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