Thursday, January 22, 2009

The things you discover when you're home for a day

I decided not to go into campus today, as I wanted to rest and try and fight the bug. I have been resting, and feeling better for it. Television here is hilarious. First, 'True Beauty' the other night, and now I have stumbled on to trashy gold: 'My Big Redneck Wedding'. My jaw keeps dropping in amazement. Check it out at

The ads are also priceless: as I type, there are all these people talking about how this particular disposable catheter has changed their lives. And there's another one about a hair thing:

This groom is drinking beer at 7am on the day of his wedding. The limo is painted camouflage style.

Man: "You smell good" Woman "I took a bath"
Bride: "I only had time to shave one leg, I hope it's the right one"

The groom is wearing camouflage overalls... without a shirt.

The people on this show make me look about as classy as Audrey Hepburn. Dude.

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