Sunday, January 25, 2009

The joys of an aussie accent

Since I have been in the USA, I have been told several times by people that they love my accent. One woman at a supermarket exclaimed "You have the CUTEST accent!" Nice. Oddly, some Americans have trouble distinguishing between an Australian and an English accent - at least two people have thought I was English until I told them I was an Aussie.

In other news, I'm watching the redneck wedding show again. The show is just about finishing, and the newlyweds are entering their "honeymoon sweet" - a caravan. The dessert the couple arranged for their wedding party was chocolate pudding... served in diapers. Absolutely bizarre.

Although it may seem I have spent my entire time watching TV, this is in fact not the case. Last night, I went out to Jon's graduation party. This was a very fun night, and I had the opportunity to meet plenty of new people. For the first day in a while, I didn't need to take cold and flu drugs, so I was able to enjoy some red wine. Americans are delightfully friendly, so I was able to mix in with new groups of people with ease. I also saw Shane - one of the Americans who came to Australia when I was in honours - for the first time in about three and a half years. Still feeling some of the effects of the cold, I left the party at about 12:30. When Jon rang to check in with me today, I found out the party went on until about 5am. Although I am sure I missed plenty of fun, I am glad that I could get home for some sleep.

Today was an uneventful day. I hung around my room chatting online to people this morning, and this afternoon I walked a block to the laundromat to wash my clothes. After all the washing and drying (very boring), I walked an extra block to get subway for dinner. The subway roll, like all the other bread here, is quite sweet. The sweetness of bread here is beginning to drive me crazy! I eat breakfast every day because it is cooked for me, but eating lunch and dinner is a bit of a hit and miss affair. I am sure the appetite will eventually settle down...

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