Sunday, January 18, 2009

Blackburg: Jetlag and settling in

I've now been in Blacksburg a few days, and am beginning to settle in. The Thursday I arrived I slept all afternoon. When I awoke, it was dark... and dinner time. Dr. Riffle greeted me, and we chatted for a while before a dinner of hamburger and veggies. It was a relaxing evening: just watching a little TV until it was time for bed.

Friday I was to call Jon or Phil when I needed to be collected: but I slept until lunch! Jon and a different Jon came and got me out of bed, and went to get much while I showered and packed my stuff. We checked into my new accommodation, and they then took me to get groceries. Grocery shopping in the USA is an interesting experience. Some things are familiar, but the range of products and most of the labels are different. Also, the standard block cheese here is (as I feared) a shade of orange. I have bought a small amount and plan to try it soon. The other fun part of the grocery trip was the self-check out... quite an interesting experience! We also purchased some booze (much cheaper here), but I am yet to open any of the wine I bought.

After grocery shopping we dropped by campus for a little while. We took the scenic route, where Jon pointed out all the sporting stadiums (their football stadium holds 60-80 thousand people) and various other campus landmarks. Jon also pointed out where the shooting took place, saying "everyone asks". I had actually planned to keep quiet, although I had been wondering. We then went into their labs, where I got to meet more chemists. While Jon and Phil did an experiment or two, I just surfed the web.

Friday evening I had a couple of hours to myself in my room, and then Jon and Ane took me out to a place they like: "The Cellar". It was a fun night, and I got to meet a couple of their friends. The wine and cocktails were both good and cheap. The only unfortunate thing is that people can still smoke in bars in Virginia, so I came home smelling strongly of cigarettes.

Saturday was just a lazy day around the inn. I am staying at place called Clay Corner Inn (, and it is really lovely. My room is "Virginia Room #6: Virginia is for lovers". After quite a good chat to the girl who runs the place (I had a difficult time trying to translate "poncy"), I went back to my room and just lazed about. Right now, it is 7:30 am. I have been awake since 4:30... but breakfast isn't until 8:30. So I'm just planning my day...

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