Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Nettie has a cold, and wakes up looking SCARY...

...seriously scary. See the picture for evidence. This is not the thing you want to see in the mirror when you're already feeling bad. Good news is that the puffiness did go away, so now I will have to try if I want to scare small children.

Not much to report from yesterday: I started feeling really ill about midday, so Phil dropped me home (via the store so I could get cold & flu medication, and ibuprofen, and cough lozenges). I slept all afternoon, most of the evening, and on and off all night.

In the morning I had a hot bath (fabulous), and dosed myself up. Feeling much better, I managed to put a whole day's work in: probably good, since I have to present to the chemistry group's meeting tomorrow.

Before I forget them all, it's probably time I started writing about some of the things in the USA that are amusing, puzzling or downright mysterious. In no particular order:
  • The cheddar cheese is orange. It's scary.
  • Everything is cheap. This is good. I wanted tea, which they didn't have in the lab. It cost me $1.67 for a cup of hot water and three teabags.
  • Here, it is legal to advertise prescription medicines on TV. There are many of these ads. They have to list the side effects, so it can sound scary.
  • ORANGE cheese.
  • In bars, they want TWO forms of ID. Apparently only one must be photographic.
  • Words are all different. Shitty means drunk. They pronounce Nissan "knee-sahn".
  • You can do self-check out at the supermarket.
  • The cheese is ORANGE!
I also learnt about stepping and clogging today. Check them out on youtube. Clogging is hilarious - apparently very popular with girls in the south.


  1. Hehehe -funny pic, looks like only half of you woke up ;-)

    Hope you feel better, cold and flu drugs are good

    Clogging appears to be essentially riverdance to hip hop music?

  2. Just as well you're feeling better - that loks even worse than orange cheese! Captain

  3. Gee.... you poor thing Annette.... and regarding the orange cheese... that explains why the cheddar cheese you get at subway is orange. i have always stayed clear of it coz it looked bad.
