Monday, January 19, 2009

Snow in Blacksburg

Just a quick post, since I really should be working. I'm finally getting over the jetlag, having managed to sleep until 7am today (although I did wake several times during the night). Also, it's properly snowing - I am enjoying watching that out of my room's two windows as I write.

Yesterday I went for a walk into town. Instead of soft snow, there was ice... very slippery. Even with my walking shoes on, I had to pick my footing very carefully. I visited the "Tech Bookstore", which sells textbooks but also VT merchandise. The range of merchandise available is mind-boggling. Not only just the clothes available, but the other stuff: VT oven mitts, anyone? Check it out at

For dinner, I went to a Cajun restaurant with Jon, Ane, Nikorn and Jose. I ate alligator (oddly flavourless) and a southern chicken dish. Both were quite tasty. We also visited a pub Jon and Ane are fond of.

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