Saturday, February 7, 2009

General wanderings around DC

Today I had originally planned to visit various Smithsonian museums, but I changed my mind and decided to wander around Washington D.C. instead. Washington D.C. is a very pretty city, and I thoroughly enjoyed my wanderings.

When I reached the White House, we weren't even allowed near the fence. Police were directing people to stand a couple of hundred metres away on the ellipse. Soon, I figured out why - I could hear a helicopter not too far away. Sure enough, a couple of minutes later Marine One flew right overhead - pretty cool! After that we were allowed to go up to the fence, so I went and took plenty of photos. I then continued wandering about for quite some time, seeing the Washington Monument and plenty of vendors selling Obama and Washington D.C. stuff.

On the way back, I stopped by a store selling Obama stuff - complete with cardboard cutout! I bought myself a couple of things including a pretty cool t-shirt. I said to the guy at the counter that I know lots of Obama fans in Australia, but Obama stuff is harder to come by there. He told me that he can understand that, because there are only about three Kevin Rudd stores in DC. Classy guy - I really appreciated that!

UPDATE: I hear in the news that Obama went to Camp David for the first time today, (obviously) travelling on marine one. So, I guess I got to see him leave...

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