Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A final message from Washington DC

I write this final message from the hotel foyer as I wait for my 2:40 pm shuttle bus. When I came and sat in the foyer, it was nice and peaceful. Unfortunately for some reason there are now about 50 kids (I guess about 14 years old) wearing brightly coloured tops hanging around and generally irritating me. In response, I have used my baggage to erect a barrier around my little corner of the room.

Yesterday, for my last full day in Washington DC I decided to just walk about town and see the sights. Although there are plenty of museums I still haven't seen, Captain Flash was tired of being x-rayed and groped by fanatical security guards, and requested a day off before the trials of airport security.

We headed from the hotel towards the White House, across the ellipse and to the World War II memorial. After spending some time examining the memorial, we walked past the reflecting pool to the Lincoln memorial.

The Lincoln memorial is actually very impressive. My photos don't show it well, but the thing is ENORMOUS! After admiring the Lincoln memorial at length, Captain Flash and I wandered to Foggy Bottom - mostly to please Hilary. It was a fun neighbourhood to wander through. George Washington University is found in Foggy Bottom, and has a different atmosphere from downtown DC. By then it was getting dark, so I took the Metro back downtown and returned to my hotel to pack.

The hotel check-out time isn't until 12 noon, so I slept in a little before checking out. I then lunched at the Hard Rock Cafe and now I am waiting in the hotel foyer.

Although I thoroughly enjoyed my time in DC, I am now really looking forward to getting home. The security checks, calculation of tips and the lack of Australianness is really beginning to get to me. Not long now: about 30 minutes until the airport bus arrives and then another 36 hours or so to get home!

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