Friday, February 6, 2009

From Blacksburg to DC

Today I successfully caught the home ride bus and then the metro, and then walked to my hotel. Not a lot to say so far - I haven't been here long enough! I did walk by the FBI building on my way to get some food for dinner. My hotel is REALLY central - should be really convenient for all the sightseeing I plan to do.

One nifty thing I have noticed so far? In DC, the pedestrian lights have a timer counting how long until the lights go red again. If waiting to cross, you can countdown by watching the lights for the other direction. It's pretty cool.

I spent this evening planning all the things I want to see - it will be a pretty jam-packed 5 days! I was quite tickled by the web address for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (responsible for printing all the paper money):

Tomorrow I plan to visit various Smithsonian musuems. They all look cool, but I am particularly excited by the prospect of the National Air and Space museum. But I guess I can write about that after I have seen it.

Finally, I have successfully booked a place on a tour of the US Capitol (which I will do on Monday). I am very much looking forward to that!

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